This file reflects the metadata for collected Instagram posts by climate chane opinion leaders in Belgium, France, and Norway. This metadata includes: • Caption - the text of the post accompanying the visuals • Comment Count - the number of comments for the post • Country - the country of the account • Engagement Rate - the measurement of the audience’s engagement for one post, based on the formula (Number of post’s likes + Number of post’s Comments)/Number of followers * 100% Decimal number • Filename From Zip - the name of the file in the folder with media files • Followers - the number of account’s followers on the day of the collection • Hashtags - the list of hashtags included in the Caption and separated by a comma and a space (, ) • Like Count - the number of likes for the post • Location - the place indicated by the author in the post • Mentions - the list of mentioned accounts included in the Caption and separated by a comma and a space (, ) • Post Date/Time - the date and time of the publication • Post Type - the description of the post’s media files: image or video • Username - the username of the account (since the type of the request was username, the username in all lines corresponds to the username of the request, besides the cases when the username published a post in collaboration with another account, in this case another account’s username appears in the column Username)