This file reflects the metadata for collected Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube posts by climate chane opinion leaders in Belgium, France, and Norway. For Intagram data, the metadata includes: • Caption - the text of the post accompanying the visuals • Comment Count - the number of comments for the post • Country - the country of the account • Engagement Rate - the measurement of the audience’s engagement for one post, based on the formula (Number of post’s likes + Number of post’s Comments)/Number of followers * 100% Decimal number • Filename From Zip - the name of the file in the folder with media files • Followers - the number of account’s followers on the day of the collection • Hashtags - the list of hashtags included in the Caption and separated by a comma and a space (, ) • Like Count - the number of likes for the post • Location - the place indicated by the author in the post • Mentions - the list of mentioned accounts included in the Caption and separated by a comma and a space (, ) • Post Date/Time - the date and time of the publication • Post Type - the description of the post’s media files: image or video • Username - pseudonymized username of the account For TikTok data, the metadata includes: • CommentCount - number of comments • Country - the country of the account • LikeCount - number of likes • publicationDate - posts’ date • shareCount - number of shares • Username - pseudonymized account’s username on Tiktok • videoDescription - the text accompanying the video post • videoFileName - the name of the video file from TikTok For YouTube data, the metadata includes: • Channel - the pseudonymized name of the YouTube channel • Comment count - number of comments • Date - the video’s upload date • Duration - video’s duration (always less than 600 seconds) • Like count - number of likes • Repost count - number of reposts • Title - the title of the video • View_count - number of video’s views