Overcoming Obstacles and Disincentives

to Climate Change Mitigation:

A cross-cutting approach by human and social sciences


Page dedicated to the output of the project members


  • Samofalova, Y., Catellani, A., & Cougnon, L.-A. (upcoming). Youth climate activists’ practices on social media in Belgium and France. In Routledge Handbook of Grassroots Climate Activism. Routledge.


  • Anciaux, A.; Cougnon, L.-A.; Ducol, L.; Catellani, A. Youth, Communication & Climate: A Pluridisciplinary Analysis of Distancing Strategies in Response to Climate Change among Belgian Youth. Youth 2023, 3, 1150-1173. https://doi.org/10.3390/youth3040073
  • Ducol, L., Cougnon, L.-A., Anciaux, A., Catellani, A.,  Lits, G., Nils, F., Galand B.,  & Rihoux, B. (2023, May 9). Young & Diversified: A segmented analysis of Young People’s Profiles related to Climate Change Action [Conference presentation]. Living with Climate Change. International, cross-disciplinary conference, Bergen, Norway. https://www.uib.no/sites/w3.uib.no/files/attachments/climlife_book_of_abstracts.pdf
  • Fløttum, K. (2023,  January 9).  Climate, language, stories and sustainability [Guest lecture]. Conference on “Interdisciplinarity and Expert Disagreement on Sustainability”. Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU), Ås, Norway.
  • ____. (2023, June 12 – June 13). Narrative roles of citizens in the climate “battle”: French survey of people’s opinions on possibilities for and obstacles to climate action [Seminar]. Narratives in the humanities and social sciences.
  • ____. (2023, June 13). Young citizens’ opinions about and attitudes towards climate change, lifestyle and political influence – research in and outside the classroom [International PhD-course]. BSRS, Bergen, Norway.
  • ____. (2023, February 10). Å forske på klimanarrativer (To do research on climate narratives) [Conference presentation]. Høgskulen på Vestlandet HVL, Bergen, Norway.
  • Fløttum, K., Drange, H., Elgesem, D., Gjerstad, Ø., Andersen, I. V., Dahl, T. (2023, May 8 –  May 9). CLIMLIFE project [Presentation of results]. International Conference “Living with climate change”, Bergen, Norway.
  • Gjerstad, Ø., Fløttum, K. (2023). Negation and Climate Change in French Blog Posts. In: Negatives and Meaning: Social Setting and Pragmatic Effects. Stockholm University Press. ISBN 978-91-7635-204-5. s. 27-42.
  • Harrington, R. & Nugier, A. (2023, May – June). Replication conceptuelle de l’effet d’un mismatch “attitudes – normes sociales” sur des comportements écologiques individuels et collectifs [Conference presentation]. Crises climatiques, crises sociales résilence et ruptures. The French Association for Research in Environmental Psychology (ARPEnv) and the LPS (Laboratoire de psychologie sociale, UR849), Aix-en-provence, France.
  • Harrington, R., Nugier, A., Khamzina, K., Guimond, S., Monceau, S., & Streith, M. (2023, Juin 30- July 4). The role of a “self-other” mismatch in motivating individuals to participate in social change and act pro-environmentally [Symposium presentation]. The importance of having an individual and group-level of analysis for a better understanding on how to fight climate change. EASP 2023 General Meeting. The European association of social psychology (EASP), the Jagiellonian university, Krakow, Poland.
  • Samofalova, Y. (2023, April 14). Tendencies in studying climate change communication in social sciences and humanities [Conference presentation]. International scientific and Practical conference “YOUTH AND SCIENCE: YOUTH A NEW VISION AND DIALECTIC OF DEVELOPMENT”. Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz, Karaganda, Kazakhstan.
  • Samofalova, Y., Catellani, A., & Cougnon, L.-A. (2023, May 9). Environmental values in climate change digital communication: The case of Belgian and French Youth for Climate movements on Instagram and TikTok [Conference presentation]. Living with Climate Change. International, cross-disciplinary conference, Bergen, Norway. https://www.uib.no/sites/w3.uib.no/files/attachments/climlife_book_of_abstracts.pdf
  • ———. (2023, November 23-24). Manger moins de viande ou consommer plus de légumes et céréales ? Analyse des discours en ligne des ONG et mouvements environnementalistes français sur leurs actions climatiques autour de la consommation de viande et des commentaires des internautes [Conference presentation]. Vent debout. Dynamiques communicationnelles, mobilisations écologiques et participations citoyennes contemporaines, colloque international, Paris, France.
  • Samofalova, Y., & Marcella V. (2023, November 22-24). Framing European youth climate movements on Instagram: a comparative case study of main youth climate movements in Belgium, France, and Italy [Conference presentation]. Clavier 2023. Framing nature: discourses past and present of nature and the environment. A sustainability perspective. University of Milan, Milan, Italy. Book of abstracts.
  • Wiig, H., Fløttum, K. (2023, January 12). «Nevn ikke Greta!» («Don’t mention Greta!») [Interview]. Besteforeldrenes klimaaksjon [Grandparents’ climate action], Internet. https://www.besteforeldreaksjonen.no/2023/01/nevn-ikke-greta-thunberg/


  • Andersen, Ida Vikøren; Fløttum, Kjersti.2022. “Adults who fail the next generations and children who refuse to give up”: The story about climate change as a battle between the generations. In: Fridays for Future: Sprachliche Perspektiven auf eine globale Bewegung. Narr Francke Attempto Verlag. ISBN 978-3-8233-8511-0. p. 17-35
  • Badiang Oloko, Francis; Gjerstad, Øyvind; Fløttum, Kjersti. 2022. Les controverses du changement climatique en France et en Norvège : une analyse thématique et polyphonique. Presentation at the 21st Nordic Romanist Conference, 16-19 August 2022.
  • Catellani, A. (2022). Semiotic analysis of environmental communication campaigns. In The Routledge Handbook of Nonprofit Communication. Routledge.
  • Catellani, A. (2022). Signes, sens et environnement. Questions de communication, 41, Article 41. https://doi.org/10.4000/questionsdecommunication.28863
  • Deffuant, G., Roozmand, O., Huet, S., Khamzina, K., Nugier, A., Guimond, S. (2022). Can biases in perceived attitudes explain anti-conformism ? in IEEE Transactions on Computational Social Systems, https://doi.org/10.1109/TCSS.2022.3154034
  • Ducol, L., Anciaux, A., Catellani, A., Lits, G., Galand, B., Nils, F., Rihoux, B. & Cougnon, L.-A. (2022). Jeunes, Communication & Climat. Diversité des enjeux climatiques auprès des 15-24 ans en Belgique. Rapport de l’UCLouvain, suite à un appel du Conseil fédéral pour le développement durable, SocArXiv, doi : 10.31235/osf.io/87psm
  • Fløttum, K., Dankel, D.J., Skiple, J.K. 2022. The Sustainable Development Goals — Sensible Initiative or Just Nonsense? An Investigation of Norwegian Citizens’ Knowledge and Attitudes. Sustainability 2022, 14(7), 4305; https://doi.org/10.3390/su14074305.
  • Fløttum, K., Gjerstad, Ø., Badiang Oloko, F. 2022. De la polyphonie linguistique à la polyphonie discursive : un chemin à trois étapes. Cahiers de praxématique, 76https://doi.org/10.4000/praxematique.7413.
  • Harrington, R. (2022, Oct, 3). Influence normative, menace envirronementales et attitudes liées au changement climatique. Mini-conférence organisées dans le cadre de la conférence d’ouverture de la Fête de la science (UCA) : “Changement climatique : que font les chercheurs ?”. Université Clermont Aubergne, 7 -17 octobre.
  • Harrington R, Nugier A, Khamzina K, Guimond S, Monceau S and Streith M (2022) Understanding individual and collective response to climate change: The role of a self-other mismatch. Front. Psychol. 13:935209. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2022.935209
  • Harrington, R., Nugier, A., Guimond, S., Streith, M. & Monceau, S.  (2022, Jan, 26-28, Pre-registred communication). How does a mismatch between norms and attitude affect your pro-environmental intentions to eat less meat? RKTS Workshop: An EASP Community of Environmental Social Psychologists. Université de Koblenz-Landau- Germany. 26-28 Janvier.
  • Harrington, R., Streith, M., Guimond, S., Khamzina, K., Monceau, S., & Nugier, A. (2022, Sept, 5-9). How does a “norms – attitude” mismatch influence pro-environmental intentions? Summer school on Individual and Collective actions for the Ecological Transition (SICET) organised by the Laboratory of Applied Psychology and Ergonomics (LaPEA, Université Gustave Eiffel, Université Paris Cité Cité), the French Association for Research in Environmental Psychology (ARPEnv) and the Learning Planet Institute (LPI). SICET, Paris, 5-9 September. 
  • Harrington, R., Streith, M., Guimond, S., Khamzina, K. Monceau, S. & Nugier, A. (2022, July, 11-13). Comment un écart entre l’attitude et les normes sociales influence les intentions pro- environnementales? Communication orale pour le 14eme Congrès international en langue française (CIPSLF) organisé par Association pour la Diffusion de la Recherche Internationale en Psychologie Sociale (ADRIPS), Bordeaux, 11-13 juillet.
  • Lueders, A., Wollast, R., Nugier, A., & Guimond, S. 2022. You read what you eat! Selective exposure effects as obstacles for environmental risk communication in the meat consumption debate. Appetite, 170, 105877.
  • Marcella, V., & Samofalova, Y. (2022). Data-driven and research-based learning approaches to environmental education in university contexts: Two case studies in Italy and Germany. Language Learning in Higher Education, 12(2), 567–586. https://doi.org/10.1515/cercles-2022-2064
  • Pizarro Pedraza, A., Cougnon, L.-A., Catellani, A., Samofalova, Y., & De Schutter, O. (2022, November 12). Climate change and Twitter in Belgium. https://doi.org/10.31235/osf.io/m67dj
  • Samofalova, Y. (2022, August). Collecte de corpus multimodaux à partir de réseaux socionumériques : Stratégies et défis méthodologiques. Presented at the Journées doctorales en Sciences de l’information et de la communication, Université libre de Bruxelles.
  • Samofalova, Y. (2022, November 25). L’éducation à l’environnement par l’apprentissage par la recherche dans un contexte universitaire : le cas de Q-Teams à HU Berlin. Presented at Conférence sur la recherche interdisciplinaire et transdisciplinaire « Transition et Développement Durable », Louvain-la-Neuve, November 26.


  • Andersen, Gisle, Kjersti Fløttum, Guillaume Carbou, and Gjesdal Anje Müller. 2021. “People’s Conceptions and Valuations of Nature in the Context of Climate Change.” Environmental Values 30 (1). https://doi.org/10.3197/096327121X16328186623850.
  • Catellani, Andrea. 2021. “Changement Climatique : Déni, Négation et Climato-Scepticisme.” In Publictionnaire. Dictionnaire Encyclopédique et Critique Des Publics. http://publictionnaire.huma-num.fr/notice/changement-climatique-deni-negation-et-climato-scepticisme.
  • Catellani, Andrea, and Céline Pascual Espuny, eds. 2021. Environnement, Nature et Communication à l’ère de l’anthropocène. Revue Française Des Sciences de l’information et de La Communication 21. https://journals.openedition.org/rfsic/9995.
  • David, Lucas, Michaël Dambrun, Rosie Harrington, Michel Streith, and Audrey Michaud. 2021. “Psychological and Physical Health of Organic and Conventional Farmers: A Review.” Sustainability 13. https://doi.org/10.3390/su132011384.
  • De Schutter, Olivier, and Tom Dedeurwaerdere. 2021. Social Innovation in the Service of Ecological and Social Transformation. The Rise of the Enabling State. Routledge. https://www.taylorfrancis.com/books/mono/10.4324/9781003223542/social-innovation-service-social-ecological-transformation-olivier-de-schutter-tom-dedeurwaerdere.
  • Fløttum, Kjersti. 2021a. “Genre Differences, Polyphony and Role Attribution in Climate Change Narratives.” Keynote presented at the Climate Change Temporalities.
  • ———. 2021b. “Ord Og Stemmer I Klimadebatten. [Words and Voices in the Climate Debate].” REPLIKK – Tidsskrift for Samfunnsvitskap Og Humaniora, 2021.
  • ———. 2021c. “Représentation Linguistique de l’avenir Dans Des Blogs Climatiques Francophones.” Presented at the COMMUNICATION ET RISQUES CLIMATIQUES, Académie des controverses et de la communication sensible, March 16.
  • ———. 2021d. “Klima Og Ungdom [Climate and Youth]: Holdninger Til Medborgerskap/Demokrati Og Bærekraft.” Presented at the Bergen Municipality, Climate section, Seminar on new climate strategy, Bergen, June 10.
  • ———. 2021e. “Citizen Opinions about Authorities’ (Lack of) Facilitation of Climate-Friendly Lifestyle Choices.” Presented at the DIGSSCORE seminar, April 13.
  • Fløttum, Kjersti, Trine Dahl, and Jana Paulina Scheurer. 2021. “RAPPORT – CLIMLIFE-SKOLEUNDERSØKELSE OM DE UNGES PERSPEKTIV PÅ KLIMA OG LEVEMÅTE. [CLIMLIFE School Survey on Young People’s Perspective on Climate and Lifestyle].” Bergen: Department of foreign languages, University of Bergen. https://www.uib.no/en/rg/lingclim/146372/research-report-%E2%80%93-climlife-school-survey-young-peoples-perspective-climate-and.
  • Fløttum, Kjersti, Øyvind Gjerstad, and Gjesdal Anje Müller. 2021. “Natur Og Menneske i et Språklig Klimaperspektiv. [Nature and Humans in a Linguistic Climate Perspective].” Oslo Studies in Language (OSLa) 12 (1): 39–60.
  • Fløttum, Kjersti, Øyvind Gjerstad, and Jon Kåre Skiple. 2021. “Climate Change and Lifestyle: People’s Expressed Motivations to Adopt or Not Adopt a Climate-Friendly Way of Life.” ASp 79: 75–94.
  • Fløttum, Kjersti, Jana Paulina Scheurer, Ida Vikøren Andersen, Runa Falck, and Solveig Helene Lygren. 2021. “Unge Bergenseres Syn På Klimaendringer, Livsstil, Skam Og Pandemien [Views of Young People in Bergen on Climate Change, Lifestyle, Shame and the Pandemic].” Presented at the CLIMATE FESTIVAL, House of Litterature, Bergen, July 6.
  • Gjerstad, Øyvind. 2021a. 30-08/03-90-21. “Political and Societal Narratives from a Linguistic Perspective: A Linguistic Analysis of the Lausanne Movement’s Cape Town Commitment.” Presented at the 18th Annual Conference of the European Association for the Study of Religions, Pisa. August 30-September 3.
  • ———. 2021b. “Narrative Structures in Argumentation: A Linguistic Approach to the Study of Religious and Societal Narratives.” Presented at the International seminar on narrative sociology, Rome, May 10.
  • Gjerstad, Øyvind, and Kjersti Fløttum. 2021. “Climate Change Lifestyle Narratives among Norwegian Citizens: A Linguistic Analysis of Survey Discourse.” European Policy Analysis, 1–18.
  • Harrington, R., Nugier, A., Guimond, S. & Streith, M. (2021, Nov, 19). How does a mismatch between norms and attitude affect your pro-environmental intentions to eat less meat? 16eme Journée Scientifique des Jeunes Chercheurs. JSJC, Lille, France, 19 novembre.
  • Khamzina, K., S. Huet, G. Deffuant, M. Streith, and S. Guimond. 2021. “The Interplay of Attitudes and Group Norms in the Conversion to Organic Farming.” Journal of Applied Social Psychology 00: 1–16.
  • Oloko, F. (2021). Functions of bla, bla bla, in one Greta Thunberg speech: A linguistic analysis. Academia Letters, Article 4190. https://doi.org/10.20935/AL4190.
  • Samofalova Yuliya. 2021. “Humor types of Greenpeace memes on Instagram: multimodal analysis” Presented at the Bremen-Groningen Online Workshops on Multimodality, November 5.
  • Samofalova, Yuliya, Catellani Andrea, Cougnon Louise-Amélie. 2021a. “Nature ‘Enrollment’ in Climate Change Visual Communication: COP Official Accounts.” Presented at the The 16th Conference on Communication and Environment “Re-MEDIAting the Wild”, organized by IECA, International. June 21-24.
  • ———. 2021b. “Greenpeace Memes for Communicating Climate Change.” Presented at the workshop Mots/Machines #3, Université de Bretagne Occidentale, March 3.
  • ———. 2021c. “L’implication de la nature dans la communication visuelle sur le changement climatique : évolution des stratégies communicationnelles des comptes officiels de COP sur Instagram”. Poster presented at Journée d’études ILC Day 10+1, Louvain-la-Neuve, November 25.
  • ———. 2021d. “Implication de la nature dans la communication sur le changement climatique : analyse multimodale de l’évolution des stratégies communicationnelles des comptes officiels de COPs sur Instagram”. Presented at Conférence sur la recherche interdisciplinaire et transdisciplinaire « Transition et Développement Durable », Louvain-la-Neuve, November 26.
  • Streith, Michel. 2021. “Apiculteurs En Collectif. Travail, Interactions, Réflexivité.” In Apiculteurs, Nature et Société, 91–108. Dijon: Éducagri Éditions.
  • Van Dam, Denise, Jean Nizet, and Michel Streith, eds. 2021. Apiculteurs, Nature et Société. Dijon: Éducagri Éditions.


  • Catellani, Andrea. 2020. “Rhétorique Environnementale.” In Dictionnaire Critique de l’anthropocène, 728–32. CNRS Éditions. https://www.cnrseditions.fr/catalogue/societe/dictionnaire-critique-de-l-anthropocene/.
  • Fløttum, Kjersti. 2020. “Il y a Héros et Héros: La Construction de Rôles Narratifs Dans Quelques Genres Du Discours Portant Sur Le Changement Climatique.” Invited talk presented at the Comment parler d’environnement? Héros/hérauts et communication environnementale. https://ger-cess-2020.sciencesconf.org/. December 9-11.
  • Streith, Michel. 2020. “Rencontre Concrète Avec l’agroécologie : Entre Horizon Idéologique et Réalité Des Pratiques.” In Christel Bosc et Medhi Arrignon, (Dir.) Les Transitions Agroécologiques En France. Enjeux, Conditions et Modalités Du Changement, 197–210. Clermont-Ferrand: Presses Universitaires Blaise-Pascal.